ZCNE Lv2 Security - US

Learning Type

Online Training


1 hrs 50 mins




Valid for 2 years
(after issued date)

Guaranteed Security using one of the most advanced encrypted systems on the market.
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What you are going to learn

The ZCNE Level 2 Security Training covers advanced business solutions available on the Zyxel firewall. This program acts as a continuation for some of the topics covered in the level one training. Students who completed this training will have complete knowledge of security and network management settings available on the Zyxel firewall.
Throughout this course you will discover:

  • Test student understanding of the advanced technical concepts
  • Share solutions to advanced network requirements
  • Provide students with complete knowledge of Zyxel security product solutions

[Instructor Name]

[Career position]
About me
[Instructor Highlight]